Thursday, April 2, 2009

4.1.09 - 11:45 PM

I am a truly blessed woman. Not because I'm rich or have everything I've could ever want but because the people in my life are so wonderful that they help to make my dreams come true.

Take James, for instance. This last weekend with the kids (we dropped them off Sunday) we all went sledding. While I stayed on top of the hill James went down to help the kids if they needed it and to take pics of them as they were going down. Well, he ended up getting wiped out by some other little kid and now he's in a huge amount of pain. The poor man still went to Dr. Challans' office with me today and then felt bad for not going with me to my O.B.'s office. He shouldn't have felt bad, really, considering how little sleep he had gotten and how badly he felt, I mean, the man wasn' t in any shape to go at all.

And yet, he did.

How many women can say that about their men? How many men would even feel bad if they couldn't go? None that I know of...just my James.

And of course, I love him even more for being the way he is.

We've finally found out we're having a girl. Athena Mae. She kicks like crazy and loves bouncing on my bladder. I love the fact that she seems so strong, and seems to have a mind of her own. Like, if you press on my belly when she's active she won't press back, and if she does then it's in an entirely different position than where you pressed, and if you're watching her move around in my stomach she'll stop moving, it's like she only wants me to be able to see her move. It's too funny, and I hope that it's because of a strong will to do what she wants.

I've been in a good mood here lately. I'm not sure why the change, but I'm glad for it. Even though I'm tired most days and I feel like I'm carrying a 90 pound baby I still feel good about where our life is going. Weird, considering James' unemployment has run out, we're about to lose the house, and neither one of us can find a job to save our souls.

Going back to the kids this weekend, Kayla has really been getting clingier here lately, and so has Christopher. It's wonderful, yet at the same time because I enjoy it so much I tend to wear myself out and hurt myself to cater to their affection. For instance, Kayla wanted nothing more than for me to hold her all weekend. I tried not to hold her for too long, but I did hold her so that she'd still get some of that contact that she's been craving. Turns out I shouldn't have because I started hurting Sunday morning. On top of that Christopher was giving me hugs Sunday afternoon and instead of standing he would hang on me while giving me a ' bear hug' . he does that when he doesn't want me to let go of him. I just didn't have the heart to tell that 70 pound boy that I couldn't physically do that while being pregnant. Luckily for me James spoke up but it kinda hurt me to see Christopher's face fall because he couldn't just& hang on me. I ended up spending a little extra time with each kid this weekend because it seemed as if that's what they wanted. I still feel like I could have done more, though.

Anyway, I've found out how to post to my blog from the library so I'll be able to update it more often. I've honestly missed being able to put my writings on the internet, so this will help me feel a little better in that respect. Speaking of feeling better, I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be an early and long day, so I'd better get as much sleep as I can.

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