Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Updates an Stuff.

Got out of the hospital Monday. It's amazing how 4 days away from the house will seem like forever. I can't even begin to explain how much I missed my baby, my hubby, and my pets. Heck, I even missed my cold ass house. I guess I should explain that comment. Hell, I should explain a heck of a lot, considering the last thing ya'll knew I was just having my daughter.

We ended up having to move. Like so many other people in the U.S. right now, we ended up having to foreclose on our house. We didn't have any idea about where we were going to live for the longest time, until hubby's sister gave us a travel trailer. She told us it was 18 ft long and that we had to come get it. She lives in Texas.

So, along with stressing about how we were going to move everything out of our house, we were also stressing about how we were going to get this trailer. Thanksgiving rolled around and we had 4 days to move... Then hubby's brother came to our rescue. We ended up going to Texas with hub's brother and sis-in-law, getting our trailer, and moving out on the very last day. It was hard, but we did it.

Since then we've found out that the converter box, that we have to have to run the heater and fridge, is broken.It's been interesting living in this little place, to say the least. Well, let me re-say that because this place isn't really as little as sis-in-law lead us to believe. It's actually 30 feet. So it's been interesting living in this semi-little place.

We have a space heater and an electric blanket, so we stay warm. Mostly we're just cramped and in each other's space all the time. I've lived like this before with my ex, but hubs hasn't and it's driving him nuts. Plus he feels like he's failing as a provider. It's hard for me to get him to realize that he's a wonderful hubby and father - he shouldn't be so hard on himself. It truly isn't his fault that we're in this situation.

Back to my health issues. I was put on new meds in September for my bipolar-ness so the doctors that be decided to give me a full blood workup. They found that I had extremely high liver enzymes and cholesterol. I was sent for a CT scan and ultrasound of my abdomen to see if the cause could be found and it turned out that I had gallstones.

My family has a history of infection of the gallbladder due to stones so my doctors decided to have my gallbladder removed. That took care of all but two of the stones. Then this past Friday I had to have an ERCP done to remove the remaining two stones. That gave me pancreatitis. Which, by the way, is extremely painful.

Since coming home I've been sore and tired. I think all I've done is play on the computer, eat and sleep. It's frustrating,this feeling sore all the time. I'm sure it'll eventually go away, but I've felt not quite well for so long that I'm not sure what feeling well will feel like or that I'll recognize it when I feel it.

Anyway, I'm about all writ out for now. I'm on Twitter so if you want to follow me, just let me know.

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