Sunday, January 24, 2010


Being bipolar is, in a way, good. When I'm manic, things get accomplished. Stuff gets done in record time, I become a social butterfly in major proportions, and my general mood is not just happy but elated.

That being said, I'm working on a 'high' right now. I can hardly sit still; my brain moving faster than my hands can keep up. I want to start many different projects and have, in fact, done so. So far this morning I've fed Athena, fed and watered the animals, started to pick up the kitchen, made 1 of 3 beds, played Evony,searched blogs on blogexplosion, picked up some of the junk in the living room and emailed 2 people I've been meaning to email for 3 days. All this in a matter of 1 hour.

Now, that may not seem like a lot for a motivated person in just one hour's time, but you must realize that I am bipolar. My lows are extremely low. There is no 'middle ground' for me. I'm either high or low. I either zoom or I sit. As I sit here, trying to get my thoughts in order for the rest of my post my brain goes in 50 other directions while in a low I struggle to get it to go in 2 different directions.

In short, I'm motivated today, and still getting nothing accomplished. What's up with that?!

Hubs isn't the only one frustrated at this turn of events in my life. They say knowing is half the battle, and in some ways, it is. Now I can take my meds and skip my lows or most of them. But what do I do with these highs that keep me jittery and moving? Any ideas??


Cortana Lain said...

I am also Bi-polar however, I also suffer from psychotic tendencies (think that's what it's called). I enjoyed your article and felt that there was somebody else who writes as I do, who has an understanding of what goes on. I haven't added my illness to any of my blogs. . .yet. Guess my mines seems to be on rapid fire, that I usually forget how I am going to explain it. You did a great job explaining what goes on with you.

C.M. said...

Thank you. I try, but sometimes it's hard to get my mind to stop long enough to concentrate about what's going on!! Hopefully you'll be able to write about it soon.