Friday, June 25, 2010


It's been so crazy here lately.

I made a new friend. The first time I saw him I was so worried he wasn't going to make it. He has, though, and he's such a warm person - much stronger than I had hoped. And his girlfriend? She's beautiful and just as warm. I'm so glad I met them, but a little sad at our meeting. I wish we could have met under better circumstances where all of us were happy and healthy and whole.

My new job is wonderful. It pays decently and the people are, for the most part, people I wouldn't have trouble working with. I just hope I can stay there for there is the possibility that I won't. It just depends on too many factors that neither my boss nor I have control over.

Athena is trying to walk. I'm so proud of her yet I'm sad because I've lost my little baby. She's growing up so very fast. I'm happy, though, that she has a good relationship with both James and I.

There's so much I want to write but that I don't have time for. This weekend I'll spend more time explaining things and fully writing out the pieces of me that need to purge themselves by letters on a screen. It's amazing how much better one can feel when one expels the matters of the heart, especially me and especially like this. Blogging has in it's own way become my therapy. From the first thought I typed my first sentence to now every keystroke lifts just a fraction more stress, pain, and grief and brings to me a new sense of peace and belonging.

May God bless those who built blogger!!

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